Goodbye Seattle!
All moved out of my apartment, have my A.A. finished and boy does it feel good to be out of there. I am ready to start completley fresh- finally got my visa approved and will be getting it tomorow, school starts next monday so now all I have to do is get a ticket, and hop on a plane to London!
Less than a week and I will be telling tales of new and long awaited london adventures, with hopefully many new and inspiring friends.
Photoshoot tonight!
Came across this book today on my stop at the downtown library TITLED: "LIVING WELL IS THE BEST REVENGE." i totally agree.
Love the red room, i swear this is the coolest library i've been to.
I sure will miss the seattle library, and endless sources of inspiration from movies and music.
Today, I rented two cd's- Rock N Roll of the 50's, and Rock 'n Roll one hit wonders of the 60's.
(actually i rented 5 of course because of my one ocd obsession-if i can control it everything comes in increments of 5!)
I also rented some movies that I'm excited to watch/listen to as I sew- it always serves as free entertainment and inspiration!
Two oldies:Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Bananas is my business
Music videos: Hype(Live grunge acts), David Bowie:sound and vision, and The History of Rock 'N Roll: PUNK.
My parents just got back from Vacation in Europe, so good to see them after their travels, and to hear about their adventures. Here are a few things they brought back:

My mom picked out this CD for me, the guy at the record shop they went to produced music and suggested this dance and electro band, i guess they are starting to tour Europe a lot so hopefully I will get the chance to see them!
Listen here:

icelandic candy-milk chocolate with black licorice in the middle, sounds strange, especially if you don't like black licorice(i don't) but it is suprisingly good.
Tie dye leggings and an oversize striped dress from the Saint Tropez fall lookbook collection, view some of their clothing here:

My mom picked out this CD for me, the guy at the record shop they went to produced music and suggested this dance and electro band, i guess they are starting to tour Europe a lot so hopefully I will get the chance to see them!
Listen here:

icelandic candy-milk chocolate with black licorice in the middle, sounds strange, especially if you don't like black licorice(i don't) but it is suprisingly good.
Tie dye leggings and an oversize striped dress from the Saint Tropez fall lookbook collection, view some of their clothing here:
Teeny Bopper!
I am chosen as top 10 on teen vogue for a style contest- click here
to register and vote for me pretty please with a cherry on top! If chosen I win a trip/photoshoot in NYC! Spread the love<3
wanna know whats weird? when you type all your entries from a specific journal in your computer so you can throw the journal out. And this whole time you disposing of it, because what if someone decides to dig through your garbage? But you do it anyway cause you want to get rid of stuff cause your moving and you're a pack rat, then the next morning you see a purse that looks very familiar...then you realize that's because it's the one you put in the garbage the night before along with that journal you were hoping no one would find. hmmphh.
seeee yaaa lata alligata!
R.I.P. Lito Pouf!
You disappeared and we don't know where you've went,
but I'm guessing karma caught up to you after all those damn animals you caught 'n killed!
I have to say though, you were a bad ass kitty kat, a silent killa foolin everyone to thinking you were the sweetest kitty ever but they didn't know the sneaky side of you! The one that killed bunnies, hawks, snakes, rats, mice, shrews, even an owl!
I dunno any other kitties with that on their resume, so i hope you left feeling like you accomplished a lot in your 9 lives, although i feel like you had at least 10,,,
Your fluffy presence will be missed mister willikers!
You disappeared and we don't know where you've went,
but I'm guessing karma caught up to you after all those damn animals you caught 'n killed!
I have to say though, you were a bad ass kitty kat, a silent killa foolin everyone to thinking you were the sweetest kitty ever but they didn't know the sneaky side of you! The one that killed bunnies, hawks, snakes, rats, mice, shrews, even an owl!
I dunno any other kitties with that on their resume, so i hope you left feeling like you accomplished a lot in your 9 lives, although i feel like you had at least 10,,,
Your fluffy presence will be missed mister willikers!

lets keep this casual
Getting dressed can be a difficult task, even for bed,when you are focused on more things than one! Casual Industrees is a northwest apparel brand who continues to keep their cool in any situation, in this case taking inspiration from a nostalgic classic so no matter where you go, fun will be sure to follow!
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